Is CSS good For Google?

The primary function of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is to separate the stylistic elements such as the fonts, color, and layout of the page from the content that is being displayed on the page itself in the form of text paragraphs and images, and is commonly known as “separation of content from presentation”.

Since some people do not understand CSS, it is usually ignored when it comes to using it for some sites but it is often recommended by experts, especially for Google. Here are a few reasons why CSS is excellent for Google:

#1: Allows for smaller file sizes

In taking out the styles from an HTML page and adding it to a standalone/ imported style sheet, this reduces the amount of code on your web pages resulting in these web pages having smaller file sizes.  Since you have a smaller file size, your web page will be given preference over others because Google prefers pages with smaller files sizes.

#2: Offers you greater control of page structure

One of the strongest benefits of CSS is that it allows you to structure your document just like that with HTML standards yet not compromising the look and feel of the page itself. Google also shows preference for pages that are well-structured.

#3: Allows you to hide content from browsers while still getting picked up by Google

If you use CSS, you can choose which content to hide and to show in certain situations, such as in print and on the screen.  Although not displayed, the content is still indexed by Google and you still get enjoy its benefits.