Author: admin

Optimize the usability of your website

Article Written by : Charity Banners Have you opened an article to a webpage and been confused about what to do next? You are not alone. The user experience [...]

The Basics of Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a discipline deployed to grow your online presence through organic and non-paid search engine results. California search engine optimization has become [...]

The Most Important Areas of your Blog

Article Written by : Refinery News Most bloggers run their websites because they are truly passionate about their subject. Sometimes making money from the [...]

How to Improve WordPress Security

Article Written by : How To Accept Credit Cards Online  WordPress is one of the most popular blogging and content management platforms on the internet today. [...]

Improving Website Performance

With page load speed a Google ranking factor, a lot of work is going into optimizing websites for faster loading and response. There are several variables that [...]

Facebook Pages vs Website Hosting

Having your own website is more important than ever. Even people who know your business will first search for a website rather than look for a phone number. [...]

3 Web Design Tips To Drive Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is probably the most important aspect that can help any business to thrive. Whether you are building a website to sell e-commerce products or [...]

3 Problems That Developers Have With Designers

Not all designers and developers have a sense of mistrust towards each other. Yet there are a number of times when both types will lock horns. Given how [...]

3 Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Designing an interaction is hardly an easy thing to do. This is complicated further given that new technologies are emerging along with the latest interaction [...]

4 Interviewing Tips to Consider Before Hiring Freelance Web Designer

So, you want build a website? You might wonder where you can hire a web designer for this. A couple of sites that you can start your search include Envato [...]