When setting up shop in the Los Angeles area, location is everything. From knowing where your market is, to knowing where you are against the competition, [...]
Having a great website you can be proud of is a huge step in the right direction to accomplishing your online goals. However, don’t build a great site and [...]
The most important moment for any website is when a visitor lands on it. Within seconds, they decide whether they want to stick around or move on to another [...]
It’s been a few years since user experience design has become the focus of web design.
In other words, it tries to capture the user experience at a given [...]
Building a standard website is easy enough with the many templates and site builder tools, but actually generating significant website traffic is a whole [...]
Creating a web app takes time and resources – things that we might not have in plenty, considering the costs involved.
It must also be said that if it is [...]
Hyperlinks are what the Web together. They’re always there. It is probably the reason why people tend to take them for granted. However, this approach should [...]
There are people who write amazing code but considering the constraints that we all face when it comes to time and budgets, we rarely see people working on a [...]
I browse the internet everyday, on multiple devices. I use my Macbook Pro, iMac, PC, iPad, iPhone and yes even my television. So it really bothers me when I [...]
If the most important objective of a website is so that people can get to know the business better, then why are most ‘About Us’ pages not upto the [...]